
supporting account(s): virtual domain

Whether you are responding to the same type of email on a daily basis or you would just like to add an automatic response to emails sent to a specific domain address, you can accomplish such a task using the "autoresponder".

Let's say you wanted to send information about your services to anyone that sends email to, info@your_domain. The autoresponder will automatically send a response to these incoming emails. If the recipient wishes to reply to an auto-response, his/her email will be forwarded to another address specified by you.

How to use:
You will need to prepare the following information prior to invoking the autoresponder:

  1. the virtual username to which requests are made
    (For example, the username for the address info@your_domain, is "info")
  2. the path name of a text file which the autoresponder will send out upon request.
    (This path should be relative to your home directory)
  3. the reply to email address to which further requests can be directed
  4. optionally, the email address to forward the original request to

Locate the section titled, Autoreponders: under "Email Menu" in your Control Panel. Under the heading titled, @your_domain, fill-in the username (1) of the email address which will handle incoming autoresponder requests.

Next, fill in the field "File to send" with the name of the response document (2), enter "Reply to" the appropriate email address from (3) above and optionally "Who to notify" with the email address from (4). If desired, you can set up more than one autoresponder.

In the following example, emails addressed to "info@your_domain" will receive an auto-response via email including the content of the file named, "services". If the recipient replies to the auto-response, the message will be delivered to the address "sales@your_domain".

@your_domain File to send Reply to Who to Notify

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